Kamis, 26 Februari 2015

Special food from Ambon, My hometown

Hi guys, in the last post, i've shared about my hometown. and now i want to share you about special food from Ambon. There are so many special food, some of them have been sold in other city in Indonesia. let's check this out.......

1. Papeda and Ikan kuning. Papeda is made of sagu, the tekstur is so chewy like glue. it's free of cholestrol. You can eat papeda with ikan kuah kuning n sambal colo-colo. sambal colo - colo is made of chili, shallot, soya and other ingredients. I suggest you dont chew the papeda but you must swallow it in second. Don't forget to try it.....

Kuah kuning, Ikan kembung and colo-colo, Papeda

2. Ikan cakalang asar. This fish is made of smoke cakalang. After you buy it, you can fry it or directly eat, coz actually it has been cook. It's yummy to consume with rice and colo-colo. Many People buy it for souvenir. You can buy fresh ikan asar in Galala, because they smoke it everyday and if you want to go by plane, they will pack it, so you can put it into bagage. The price depends on the size, it's about 25k - 40k.

Ikan cakalang asar

3. Nasi kelapa. This is rice, coconut crumbs, fish. It's so delicious. but for someone who has cholestrol, you must watch for that because it made of coconut milk. if you try this, one wrap is not enough. Don't ask where you can get this food. coz many people sell it in every kilo or maybe less than a kilo.

Nasi kelapa and ikan bakar colo-colo

4. Nasi kuning. This is yellow rice. Maybe you can find nasi kuning in many place in Indonesia. But in Ambon, it's different. The smell is so good. The rice is used of coconut milk. it has 4 until 6 side dishes. There are sambal(home made chilli sauce), Serundeng(coconut crumbs), a piece of ikan cakalang, laksa, tempe orek, vegetable and acar(cube of cucumber, carrot, chilli and vinegar.

Nasi kuning. Looks yummy
5. Rujak natsepa. It look like other rujak in Jakarta. They use slice of, rose apple, manggo, star fruit, pineapple, papaya, kedondong, cucumber and fried nut n brown sugar. but some of the things that makes it different are : in Jakarta, they use gula merah (jawa) but in Ambon they use gula aren and sometimes the add lobi-lobi fruit. another different thing is in Jakarta, They eat rujak without the scenery but in Ambon, They eat rujak on the side of the beach. You can say "tanta, beta pesan rujak 1 e" it's mean, " can i order one rujak please?" 

Rujak and the beach

hmmm, I think it's enough for this story and it's not all about ambon food. But if I want to share all here, one day is not enough. We can continue another time. I hope you can try them when you go to Ambon, Maluku.... Big hug and love, Bye....

Senin, 23 Februari 2015

My Hometown....Beautiful Ambon, Maluku

Hi guys, 

Today, I want to share you about my hometown. for me, it's so beautiful. I really like the landscape. especially the beach. it's so clean, and when the wave come, better for you to close your eyes so you will feel like someone blow you up. 

It's so seldom to find Tourist there, i don't know why exactly. but i think, maybe it should be exposed by government, so the world will know that Indonesia has many beautiful place, and it can be income for our country. 

Here it is, I will show you some of the photos of my hometown

1. This is Natsepa beach. so clean right? There are so many people who like to play water. But some of them, just come only for enjoy the scenery, eat "rujak" or fried banana n young coconut.

Natsepa beach, Ambon
2. This is Liang beach. The colour of the beach is so beautiful. 

Liang Beach, Ambon
Here it is, it's me in Liang
3. Pintu kota beach. this place is so beautiful. you will feel warm water but when you go inside into the cave, the water is so cold. there is no sand, just a rock. so you must watch your step, if not, you can slip on the rock...

This is it, my fam in pintu kota
My baby boy inside the cave of the pintu kota

Pintu kota, pic taken from above

so, those are some of the beautiful beach of my hometown, i hope that sometimes you can visit there. don't forget to bring your camera and the diving stuff. please enjoy.....

Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Menu Nasi Ragil

Menu Nasi ragil
Nasi ragil + 1 lauk (pilihan) + 2 tambahan (pilihan)
Lauk pilihan:
- Ayam Greget (8000)
-Ayam Sexy hot (8000)
-Ayam Si Manis Jembatan Ancol (8000)
-Ikan Balado (7000)
-Telur Iris (5000)
Sayur Pilihan:
- Mie Goreng & Sayur kacang
- Mie goreng & Tempe orek
* Pesanan di antar minimal 20 kotak
* Pesanan di ambil minimal 10 kotak
* Derah cengkareng bebas biaya antar
* Biaya antar luar cengkareng, tergantung jarak
* Pemesanan di lakukan minimal 5 hari sebelumnya
* Untuk pemesanan, DP minimal 50% dari total keseluruhan
Hubungi :
021-98759412 or 0817793343

Senin, 15 Juni 2009

Nasi Ragil

Nasi RagilNasi Ragil adalah nasi yang berwarna kuning, namun itu bukan nasi kuning yang biasa di jual di pasaran karena tidak menggunakan campuran santan. Nasi Ragil adalah nasi kesehatan yang di buat dari rempah-rempah yang mengandung Zingiberis officinalis dan Curcuma Domestica.

Zingiberis officinalis sendiri mengandung protein, serat karbohidrat dan vitamin A, B1, B2 dan C, yang berfungsi untuk melancarkan peredaran darah, sesak nafas, rematik, anti oksidan, anti peradangan. sedangkan,

Curcuma Domestika sendiri mengandung Karbohidrat, Protein, Pati, Vitamin C, garam mineral, dan Zat anti peradangan yang berfungsi untuk melancarkan ASI, mencegah diare, kencing manis, hepatitis, kanker, keputihan, panas dalam, dan sesak nafas.

Nasi Ragil tidak menggunakan bahan pengawet yang sangat berbahaya untuk kesehatan manusia. Karena itu nasi Ragil tidak bisa bertahan lebih dari 1hari.
Pemesanan yang di antar minimal 20 box
pemesanan yang diambil minimal 10 box
untuk delivery daerah cengkareng bebas biaya antar
pemesanan di lakukan minimal 2 hari sebelumnya

Hub : Lanny (0817-793343 or 0813-14784111)

Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

Green, yellow and pink ( just joke )

Dono, kasino and Indro are student's. Dono and Kaino are clever. They are from east Java so they are Javanese. Meanwhile, Indro is a little bit stupid but he always has idea to cover his stupidity. One day Mr. Alex asked them to make sentences by using the words : green, yellow and pink. Dono answered " The grass is green, banana is yellow and my t-shirt is pink. That's good,Mr. Alex said. " How about you kasino? oh, it's a piece of cake" The leaves are green, the wall is yellow and my bolster is pink. " Excellent!! and...how about you Indro?" Indro was a little bit confused but he could answer it. "well...the phone is ringing green, green, green! then I answer the phone and say " yellow, whois this? after that I put the phone and it's sound "Pinnnk!!!". Mr. Alex????

Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

Old Coin

Ini koin 25 cent nederland, ada gambar mahkota di atas nomor "25". koin ini di buat pada thn 1968. aku sendiri blm lahir pada saat itu, bahkan org tuaku pun blm bertemu, hihihihi....

gambar belakangnya bertuliskan Juliana Koningin der Nederlanden yang artinya di persembahkan untuk Juliana Koningin. di situ jg ada gambar wajah Juliana koningin.

Juliana koningin sendiri pernah menjadi Queen of Nederland. Beliau lahir pada tahun 1904 dan meninggal pada tahun 2004 lalu. hmmm, kurang lebih 100 thn. Beliau menjabat sebagai Queen of Nederland selama 31,5 tahun, sejak 6 September 1948 - 30 April 1980.Kemudian di gantikan oleh Ratu Beatrix.

Sudah sekian lama saya simpan koin ini dan blm mau di jual. tapi tergantung penawaran harganya jg sih. kl harganya cocok, pasti saya lepas.


Nama itu adalah salah satu pemberian orang tua kita pada waktu kita lahir. namun, nama yang indah, blm tentu memancarkan sifat yang baik. ada kalanya kita berpikir "APALAH ARTI SEBUAH NAMA". namun untukku sangat berarti, krn nama yg di berikan oleh orang tua kta, pastilah dengan penuh kasih sayang.

Ada nama yg panjang bgt ada jg yg bener2 pendek dan ada yg nama panggilannya berbeda bgt dgn nama aslinya. ada yg blg ktnya "kl anaknya sakit itu krn keberatan nama", ah itu kan hanya pendapat orang-orang jaman dulu.

Berikut nama-nama panjang yg aku kenal :
1. Cendy Gracia Andriyani santoso Halim
2. Jonalgin Octea Christian Edwar Lawalata

Berikut nama-nama pendek yg aku kenal :
1. Nurmah
2. Zuriah
3. Aprilianty
4. Sumiati
5. Fachri
6. Novia

Berikut nama-nama panggilan yang sangat berbeda dgn nama aliasnya :
1. Sendica Saputra ( Hendra )
2. Jenne Pieter ( Enda )
3. Moh. Rahman ( Gege )
4. Siti Nurshoba ( Nunuy )
5. Rianita Primayanti ( Iyonk )
6. Chairul Rahman ( Apuy )
7. Nurul Hidayah ( Caca )

hmmm, ternyata banyak jg yah,....
perhatian tmn2, kl ada tambahan lg yg kalian tau, blh dunk nambahin or ngisi comment.
miss u all, my friends...